Kvalitetna oprema za mobilne uređaje
1. Purposes of processing for which consent is granted where required (Art. 23 of Legislative Decree 196/2003)
a) Management of the request for information relating to the service chosen; activities strictly linked with and instrumental to management of relations with the Customer (e.g.: acquisition of information preliminary to conclusion of a contract, performance of operations on the basis of obligations deriving from contracts concluded with the Customer, etc.); information activity and inclusion on the mailing list; supply of goods and services and for protection of credit positions deriving from this; accounting activities (issuing of invoices, preparation of payments) and any transfers of data abroad within the EU;
b) Promotional communications, including personalised ones, market surveys, economic/statistical analysis, reward schemes, surveys on customer satisfaction through sending of advertising brochures and promotional documentation on paper, via e-mail, sms, mms. The purpose of collection and automatic processing of Personal Data also includes the sending of survey questionnaires, to which the User is not required to respond; processing of personal data and data obtained from visiting and browsing on the Puro website with the purpose of defining the profile; use of data and the profile for promotion and marketing purposes of Puro spa; use of the data and profile for promotion and marketing purposes of third parties.
2. Processing method
Processing will be performed automatically and/or manually, with methods and instruments which guarantee maximum security and confidentiality, by people specially assigned to do this in compliance with the requirements of arts. 31 et sequitur of Legislative Decree 196/03.
3. Area of communication and disclosure